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On May 7, 2024, CIWED Ghana organized a durbar at the Ngdigu community to discuss critical health topics related to immunization for children under five. The event covered several key areas, including:

  1. Health education
  2. Importance of immunization
  3. Growth monitoring
  4. Side effects following immunization and their management

During the durbar, community members and caregivers were educated on the significance of immunization, child growth and development, and managing potential side effects following immunization. The session emphasized that immunization schedules extend beyond the 14-week mark, noting that the measles-rubella vaccine (MR1) and the yellow fever vaccine are administered at 9 months, while the second dose of the measles-rubella vaccine (MR2) and the meningococcal A vaccine are given at 18 months. Additionally, Vitamin A supplementation continues until the child reaches 5 years of age.

The discussions highlighted the importance of complete immunization in preventing diseases such as diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, Haemophilus influenzae type B, measles, yellow fever, and meningitis.

Community members and caregivers had the opportunity to ask questions, which were addressed comprehensively. Demonstrations were provided on managing post-immunization fever in children, including the technique of tepid sponging.

In his submission, the Executive Director of CIWED Ghana, Mr. Baako Abdul-Fatawu, emphasized that mothers should adhere to their postnatal schedules and not overlook them, as this has direct and significant consequences for both children and mothers. He also indicated that the facilities and health staff are there to support the community, and urged the attendees to actively engage with health issues affecting them and their children to ensure good health and growth for future leaders of the nation.

The durbar proved to be an informative and engaging session for all participants.

On July 10, 2024, CIWED Ghana commissioned a newly constructed six-unit classroom block for Kpatiya and its surrounding communities in the Central Gonja District of the Savannah Region. This project, which began in November 2022 and concluded in December 2023, was funded by the Embassy of Japan in Ghana.

CIWED Ghana’s vision was to create an environment where every child in Kpatiya and neighboring communities can access quality education and where parents feel comfortable sending their children. The newly inaugurated six-unit classroom block, equipped with modern amenities, symbolizes hope and opportunity. It provides a conducive teaching and learning environment, enabling children to pursue their dreams and realize their full potential.

In addition to the classroom block, auxiliary facilities have been constructed to ensure a holistic educational experience. These include a staff common room, a library, and sanitation facilities, all designed to create a nurturing and supportive atmosphere for both students and teachers.

This project was made possible through the collaborative efforts of many individuals and organizations. CIWED Ghana extends its deepest gratitude to the Embassy of Japan for their financial support, which was crucial for the construction of these facilities.

The new educational infrastructure will have a lasting positive impact on the community, ensuring that every child has access to quality education.

On April 29, 2024, CIWED Ghana organized an immunization campaign and educational outreach in the Zoonayili community to emphasize the importance of immunizing children. The topics covered during the outreach included:

  1. Immunization schedule
  2. The PENTA 3 vaccine
  3. Measles
  4. Rubella
  5. Outreach efforts
  6. Immunization for children from 6 to 10 weeks

The outreach officer Mohammed Ziblim (MZ) observed that caregivers often stop bringing their children for immunization after the initial doses, particularly the 14-week immunization. During the session, the officer stressed that immunization does not end at 6 weeks and that children need to continue receiving vaccines until they are five years old to be fully protected.

Caregivers were informed that children who only receive immunizations between 6 and 10 weeks are not fully immunized and remain vulnerable to vaccine-preventable diseases. To be fully protected, children must receive all scheduled vaccines, starting from BCG and OPV.0 up to Measles-Rubella (2), with the final dose at 18 months. Full immunization protects against diseases such as Hepatitis B, Diphtheria, Pertussis, Tetanus, Haemophilus influenzae, inactivated polio vaccine, measles, and yellow fever.

The outreach officer also educated caregivers on the potential side effects of immunizations, such as fever, vomiting, diarrhea, and pain at the injection site, which can vary from child to child. Management of these side effects was discussed, including using lukewarm water and a towel to soothe a fever, starting from the child’s feet to the head.

Mr. Baako Abdul-Fatawu, the Executive Director of CIWED Ghana, urged women to be proactive in seeking good healthcare for their children, emphasizing that the future leaders of the community must be protected at all costs. He highlighted that good health is essential for a good life and education, and the absence of these elements can lead to dire consequences for society.

The outreach concluded around with a Q&A session. One caregiver asked how to manage swelling after immunization. The officer advised using a cold compress by wrapping ice in a clean rag and applying it to the swollen area until it subsides.

The outreach officer expressed gratitude to CIWED Ghana for supporting and facilitating the event and the immunization session.

On April 18, 2024, CIWED Ghana hosted an orientation for community health volunteers focused on GAVI PSR 2 immunization services. The aim was clear: to empower volunteers in mobilizing communities and utilizing community registers to gather data on caregivers and children. Their mission? To ensure caregivers and children receive immunization services and to assist CIWED in organizing immunization campaigns and education at markets and lorry stations. Throughout the sessions, volunteers were introduced to the community register for immunization and trained on its effective administration and utilization.

On 26th March, 2024, CIWED Ghana initiated the execution of the GAVI-Program Support Rationale (PSR) for CSOs Cash Based Support Project (Year 2). Commencing with a community entry procedure, the project engaged in dialogue with the health directorate to fortify collaborative efforts and strategically identify target communities for project intervention.

The community entry process was successfully conducted, although the absence of the district health director delayed certain crucial decisions. The officer leading the initiative preferred to wait for the director’s input before finalizing the selection of five communities or health facilities where CIWED Ghana planned to implement the program. Unfortunately, due to multiple postponements, the meeting was rescheduled twice, ultimately pushing it to the first week of April and causing delays in starting program activities. Once the district health director was available, a meeting took place with the health director of Nanton and the district diseases control office. Together, we finalized the selection of communities and facilities for the program.

A refresher community entry in the five selected communities was held on the 29th of March, 2023 with the help of two focal persons in each of the communities. This entry was done in two days by the gender officer and her team in which they visited members in groups in their various communities. The gender officer Miss Bashiru Mardia as meeting with the community members presented how the project is going to be implemented in the District and the immediate goals for the next few months to come. The purpose and objective of the community entry was to familiarize project staff with the community members and stakeholders which will support the project during its implementation, another one is that, the community entry was done to detail the roles, support services and complementary responsibilities of the newly project and the project team.

As part of leading community advocacy work, CIWED GH commerce a meeting to disseminate results on level of inclusion of PWDs on political activities. The was held yesterday as a result of the evidence gathered/data collected on the level of inclusion of persons living with disability in political arena.  Results gathered indicates that, PWD have much interest in contesting for leadership position, but challenges and other social factors prevents them from coming out publicly to show their interest for these positions when they are available.

In his word to the PWD in a form of advice, the executive director Mr. Baako Abdul-Fatawu challenged them without narrowing their minds to critics from others, as those ones are happen one way or the other and they must prepare for them. Stigmatizing is also a factor they look out for and they will call them sort of name, but what they do need to do is to remain focus on the taxe a hered and in the end, the will get what they are looking for.

The leadership of the PWDs in ziong community called for the authorities of the Assembly and NGOs to help the PWDs federation with a resource center. In his remarks, the director of Social Welfare Alhaji Osman called the PWDs to stop begging on the streets. This activity is part of the of the WVL project funded by PLAN Int. Ghana and implemented by CIWED-GHANA.   

CIWED is currently in partnership with Open Society Initiative for West Africa (OSIWA) to implement a gender transformative initiative project on Women Voice and Leadership to address a gender in equality and sexual and gender based violence with the aims of building the capacity of women, young girls and boys with a school going age and the community structures to lead the gender transformation advocacy to eliminate gender inequalities and violence against Womens and girls. The project built the capacity of over 2,840 community members and stakeholders in short-term and 8,741 in the medium to long term, and this will bring the visibly empowered women, girls and boys and influential men (Gender Equality Champions) leading the gender transformative agenda to promote gender equality in project districts and communities in the long term change of the Project and result.

CIWED is again implementing a COVID-19 Rapid Response and Recovery Small Grants Mechanism, to Support coordinated civil society advocacy for women’s, children’s and adolescents’ health (WCAH) with funding support from World Health Organization through Management Sciences for Health Inc. (MSH) to contribute to advocacy and accountability for the continuation of quality, lifesaving health and nutrition services for women, children, and adolescents during and after the COVID 19 pandemic, and for improving health outcomes in these areas. The project started in September, 2021 and will end in June 2022,

CIWED is currently in partnership with Plan International through Plan International Ghana, implementing a multi country grant from Global Affairs Canada (Canada Federal Identity Program), on Women Voice and Leadership with the aims of empowering women and young girls to claim their rights to decision-making and sustainable livelihood through capacity building processes to influence responsible resource governance. That is Women’s access to equal participation in decision-making and economic resources are not just a democratic right but it is critical for accountable, transparent and responsive governance. The project is currently running in 5 communities in the Nantong District. The project built the capacity of over 200 women network groups on key gender transformative issues.  The project formed VSLA of 75 women from 5 communities and further gave them capacity on basic group management and book keeping.

The following are the achievements of the project:

  1. 5 community gender networks (Ge-net) groups formed in the project communities.
  2. About 200 Ge-net members trained on advocacy, lobbying and negotiation skills.
  3. About 2800 community members sensitized on gender issues
  4. 75 women formed into Village Savings and Loans Association (VSLA)
  5. 75 women trained on financial literacy and basic book keeping skills and income generating activities [IGA]