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CIWED entered into partnership with Women Environmental Programme in August 2018 to implement women economic empowerment advocacy project on women access to fertile lands for crop production.  Research in Ghana revealed that women do not have access to fertile lands for crop production especially in the northern part of the country.  The project main aim was to partner with local authorities and lobby for allocation of fertile lands to women for crop production, specifically maize, soybeans and rice.

The following are the achievements under the Women Agenda 2030 Project

–       Five communities in the Mion district benefited from the project.

–       872 women were reached out to and five advocacy groups were formed to champion the course of the project.

–       35 women group leaders were trained on advocacy, negotiation and lobbying skills

–       10 Gender Equality Champions (comprises of influential and religious people in communities) were identified and trained on advocacy negotiation and lobbying skills

–       82 beneficiaries were trained on good agronomic practices including soil fertility management process.

–       96 women were able to acquire fertile lands (average of 4 acres each) to cultivate maize, rice and soybeans and the yields were overwhelming.

About the Women Agenda 2030 Project

Women CSOs networking to realize the Sustainable Development Goals (Post-2015) also known as Women2030 project is an EU funded coalition of 5 global and regional women and gender networks working towards the realization of the Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs in 52 countries of the world. It is being implemented in the following regions of the world: Eastern Europe, Caucasus, Asia, Africa and Latin America.

The Women 2030 project comprise of the following 5 global and regional women and gender networks: Women in Engage for a Common Future (WECF)Women Environmental Programme (WEP)Global Forest Coalition (GFC)Gender and Water Alliance (GWA); and Asia Pacific Forum on Women, Law and Development (APWLD). WECF is the lead applicant of the Women2030 project while WEP is the lead partner in Africa.

The Objectives of Women2030 Project is tobuild capacity of women’s and gender-focused civil society organizations on planning, monitoring and implementation of the SDGs/post 2015 agenda and the climate agreement. Create awareness at all levels of gender-equitable best practices and progress of national post-2015 SDG plansEnsure more gender-responsive SDGs/post 2015 plans with participation of women and women’s organizations.

CIWED in partnership with SNV (Netherlands Development Organisation) with funding from USAID Agri-finance project advocated for smallholder farmers who are primarily women to access banking services at the comfort of their homes to promote electronic cash transaction for safe keeping of their monies.  The project covered Mion, Sagnarigu, Tamale Metro, and West Mampurisi and Bole districts.

The following are the achievements under the USAID Agriculture Finance Project

·      The project mobilised over 5, 394 smallholder farmers in the aforementioned districts in the northern region of Ghana.

·      The project collaborated with Fidelity Bank in Tamale to linked up to 2, 780 smallholder farmers to open SMART accounts with Fidelity Bank in order to bring banking services to the doorsteps of these smallholder farmers and to encourage the operation of cashless system in communities.

·      The Agri-Finance project also trained over 50 women groups on Village Savings and Loans Association on Financial Literacy and numeracy and basic Records Keeping.

CIWED entered into partnership with International Fertilizer Development Centre (IFDC) in 2017under the Agriculture Technology Transfer (ATT) project with funding from USAID Feed the Future Programme rolled out the agriculture intervention to build the capacity of Farmer-based Organisations (FBOs) where predominantly on best agronomic practices to increase their yields and for them to contribute in feeding the future.

The following are the achievements under the ATT project:

·      The project reached out to 5,780 members of (FBOs) in Mion and Bole districts sensitize them on good agronomic practices such as Soil Fertility Management, Soil Testing, planting in Rows, Right Fertilisation Application, weed control, best time of harvesting to prevent pre-harvest and post-harvest losses among others through video screening and community sensitisations.

·      The project has also distributed 418 starter packs to 418 farmers in Bole district to set up a demonstration fields in the 2017/2018 farming season to test the new technology and a doubt it.

·      Under the ATT project, CIWED cultivated 20 acres of soybean and 20 acres of maize certified seeds, in Mion district, which produced good yield and use to support government flagship Planting for Food and Job (PFJ) programme in 2018.

·      CIWED distributed over 3 tonnes of certified soybeans seeds and 2.1 tonnes of certified maize seeds to over 2,650 smallholder farmers in Bole and Mion districts where majority of them were women.

Agriculture Technology Transfer (ATT) Project

CIWED entered into partnership with International Fertilizer Development Centre (IFDC) in 2017under the Agriculture Technology Transfer (ATT) project with funding from USAID Feed the Future Programme rolled out the agriculture intervention to build the capacity of Farmer-based Organisations (FBOs) where predominantly on best agronomic practices to increase their yields and for them to contribute in feeding the future.

The following are the achievements under the ATT project:

·      The project reached out to 5,780 members of (FBOs) in Mion and Bole districts sensitize them on good agronomic practices such as Soil Fertility Management, Soil Testing, planting in Rows, Right Fertilisation Application, weed control, best time of harvesting to prevent pre-harvest and post-harvest losses among others through video screening and community sensitisations.

·      The project has also distributed 418 starter packs to 418 farmers in Bole district to set up a demonstration fields in the 2017/2018 farming season to test the new technology and a doubt it.

·      Under the ATT project, CIWED cultivated 20 acres of soybean and 20 acres of maize certified seeds, in Mion district, which produced good yield and use to support government flagship Planting for Food and Job (PFJ) programme in 2018.

·      CIWED distributed over 3 tonnes of certified soybeans seeds and 2.1 tonnes of certified maize seeds to over 2,650 smallholder farmers in Bole and Mion districts where majority of them were women.

CIWED Ghana VSLA Beneficiary supports her daughter to progress to Nursing Training College

It was a moment of joy from the CIWED monitoring team, when they came across Mma Awabu, a VSLA member for Kpalun Community in the Savelugu Municipality. The old female farmer shared how she helped to support her daughter to progress to a nursing training College in Tamale.

She narrated this:

When she brought the admission letter home, the fees was GHS 3,000.00. My husband was helpless and confused. I went to the VSLA meeting and told them I needed a loan of GH 1000.00. That evening, when my husband returned from the farm, I went to him and put the GHS 1000.00 on his laps. He was shocked! I told him I took it as a loan from the VSLA box. He should use it as seed money to mobilize the rest of the money for the school fees

According to her, it became less of a burden for her husband and the family to raise the rest of the money. The daughter is currently studying to become a nurse. She thanked CIWED and OSIWA for bringing that great intervention to their community.

CIWED GHANA Commemorates International Day of the Girl Child with a Drama Performance

CIWED-Ghana celebrated this year’s International Day of the Girl Child in grand style. Under the theme; “Our time is now—our rights, our future”, the organisation marked the day with a classic drama performance in the Savelugu Municipality by students from Wataniya Junior High School. These students are part of the advocacy clubs that CIWED GHANA formed in 20 schools in two districts in the “Women Voice and Leadership Project”.

The drama show witnessed parents, teachers, assembly members and directors of education in the municipality gracing the occasion. The head teacher of the school Mr. Suleiman Mohammed thanked CIWED GHANA for choosing their school as one of the implementing schools for the implementation of the women voice and leadership project. Representing the municipal director of education, a circuit supervisor also thanked CIWED and OSIWA for the strategy that they have adopted to reach out to schools and pupils to transform their lives.  Some participating parents were so happy and they were part of the drama and confessed that a lot was learnt during the drama and they will support their girls to attain education to the highest level. The drama performance is part of activities of the “Women voice and leadership project” CIWED is implementing with funding support from OSIWA

It was heartwarming during monitoring visits to the project communities to hear of a great story relating to the VSLA formed for the women of the Kparigiyili Community in the Nantong District. One of the women revealed that she supported her husband with a loan from the VSLA scheme to purchase a tractor. According to her, even though her support was not very significant, the spirit and appreciation with which the husband accepted her support made her happy.

The Kparigiyili Community VSLA is one of the groups CIWED formed from scratch under the Open Society Initiative for West Africa (OSIWA) project, which seeks to increase the effective participation of women in decision-making roles and leadership positions and also to empower them to have access and control of resources. 

The CIWED team, led by the Executive Director was so delighted hearing this huge success story. He called for honesty and transparency from the leadership in keeping the groups alive and strong.

As part of project roll out, CIWED-GH in collaboration with the Department of Social Welfare and Community Development trained our VSLA groups from 20 communities. These communities were drawn from Nantong District and Savelugu Municipal; the two districts CIWED rollout the Women Voice and Leadership Project. The trainings spanned for two weeks in each district covering topics on various VSLA and leadership principles including; income generating activities (IGA), financial literacy & numeracy, leadership skills and basic accounting book keeping.

The Executive Director of CIWED-GH, Mr. Baako Abdul Fatawu explained to the members that their understanding of the modes of operation and management of the VSLA concept is very essential to its sustainability in the communities. He urged the groups to embrace honesty and transparency in managing the VSLA boxes.

The project is supported by Open Society Initiative for West Africa (OSIWA) which seeks to increase the effective participation of women in decision-making roles and leadership positions and also to empower them to have access and control of resources.  The project also seeks to have visibly empowered women, girls, men and boys’ groups leading the campaign for gender transformation. The programme is expected to directly benefit approximately 2,840 and about 8,741 indirect beneficiaries in the medium to long-term, with sixty-five percent (65%) being women.

On their part, leaders of the VSLAs expressed delight for the capacity enhancement to manage the associations. They revealed that the intervention of CIWED in their communities was great and pledged more support to upcoming activities.

URBANET receives funds from EMpower, the Emerging Markets Foundation, to support the development of programs that empower youth with skills training and development, particularly young girls. EMpower is a USA-based charity organization that focusses on supporting youth in emerging market countries through partnerships and grants given to local organizations. The goals of EMpower align with the focus of URBANET, to address the needs of Ghana’s expanding youth population, who often have few skills and livelihood opportunities.

URBANET’s relationship with EMpower focuses on a diverse portfolio of projects, which enables the organization to meet the various needs of youth in northern Ghana. This includes programs to train young people, especially women, in Shea Butter processing, as Community Livestock Workers and as Seed Producers. These projects simultaneously address the critical need for youth skills training and employment, while also providing in-demand goods and services. Quality seeds, for example, are a sought-after product in the Northern Region, as are Community Livestock Workers, who bridge the gap between the hugely understaffed veterinary services and smallholder farmers. As well, the Shea Butter value chain represents a lucrative and growing employment opportunity.

URBANET’s relationship with Empower also recognizes the widespread challenges faced by youth, and particularly young girls, beyond simply a lack of employment. To this end, the organization addresses these challenges through complementary training in reproductive health, gender issues, business and entrepreneurship and information communication. Overall, through funding from EMpower, URBANET aims to increase youth livelihoods through capacity and skills development, which is gradually increasing employment opportunities as well as encouraging youth to re-enter education and to start their own businesses.

Donor: EMPower

URBANET in collaboration with ActionAid Ghana initiated a project to promote urban and peri-urban vulnerable farmers access to land for farming. The project was preceded with a research, community level sensitization, dialogue meetings with stakeholders (chiefs/land owners, planning authorities) and culminated in a project dubbed: zoning of agricultural lands/green belts. The project has since facilitated the zoning of about 475 acres of land in urban and peri-urban Tamale to be reserved purposely for agriculture especially to support women engaged in vegetable farming as their main source of livelihoods.

This is a two year project that identified 31 community level volunteers from 31 communities in the northern region engaged in livestock farming and trained them as Animal Health Workers to support their communities in basic animal husbandry such as de-worming of animals, washing of wounds, castration of animals and serving as a link between the Veterinary Services Department of the Ministry of Food and Agriculture (MoFA) in reporting cases of animal diseases, and mobilizing farmers for national vaccination exercises. The project is funded by ActionAid Ghana with the Ministry of Food and Agriculture serving as the main collaborator in the implementation.